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Your Wardrobe: 7 Basic Steps to Success

Posted on May 18, 2022 by Renato Shaak

Does the tag make the clothes? The solution is only in case you feel like you need to be a name dropper or if you're on a red carpet revealing who made your dress. There are several in some societal sets who would disagree with this, but the truth is that if you're an ordinary person, it's far more important that you look your best in a fashion that's suitable for your lifestyle and body type than it is to get the most recent label.

When was the last time that someone who you respect for his style sense told you that you looked great? By keeping seven fundamental principles in mind, you can look good all the time.

Know your body type

None of us is perfect so know your dimensions and shape. Consider arm, leg and torso length and shoulder, hip, waist and thigh shape and width. Evaluate your overall body shape. 1 trick we like for this is standing in front of a mirror with somebody tracing your silhouette on the mirror with soap. Ok, so you'll need to wash the mirror after but it gives you a terrific sense of your own shape. Finally think of the areas you would like to hide or accentuate.

Be realistic

This works for all body types. Wear clothes that fit properly. Squeezing into a smaller size doesn't make you smaller. It makes you seem like you've gained weight and did not buy clothes that are the ideal size. On the flip side, wearing baggy, larger clothing in an effort to conceal things does not work either. You just make yourself look cluttered and bigger. Do not buy what you want you looked great in, but what really does compliment you.

Just because they make it on your size...

. . .does not mean that you should buy it and wear it. Fashion is simply fashionable if you look appealing inside, not because a star is wearing it or it was in most of vogue magazines. Low-rise pants brought this point home over any style fad lately. A few years back, you simply couldn't be observed in public if you were not wearing low-rise pants/jeans. However, 75 percent (and that's conservative) of the women in this state should not have been wearing them. Now at this point we will need to say that our view of low-rise pants might not be mainstream with the rest of the fashion industry's opinions but we know what we see. Also remember that there are various styles of low-rise trousers and some of the catastrophic fashion situation could have been prevented by changing the manner of low-rise worn. Low-rise trousers make long torsos look more. The smallest amount of extra fat or flab in the center is highlighted. Someone with no apparent waistline appears even sexier and less shapely. Massive bums look bigger as do broad hips. But, everyone rushed out to purchase them and we've been exposed to rolls of fat, thongs sticking out the back and worse ever since. Moral of this story - wear a style that flatters not fattens and you'll receive a lot more compliments.

Know your colors

Black isn't everybody's best friend. Colors sold in the shops in a specific season might not be yours. Irrespective of which method you use to ascertain the ideal colours for you, it has to be done. If you aren't certain, get in touch with a picture or wardrobe consultant for some expert assistance. It's well worth the money and time. I had a customer who moved from people asking her when she had been sick all the time to people asking her if she had been having an affair, all because she changed the colours in her wardrobe. Suddenly it looked as though her skin was glowing, her eyes were shining and she was well rested and prepared to take the world by storm. People began to take notice. What do you do if your colours aren't in the stores? Stock up on foundation pieces once the season or colours of this year are yours. When the principal colors aren't yours, you can usually still find accessories to match your foundation pieces or take a look at last year's clearance and discontinued items.

Build a base

You have conquered the significant challenges: understanding your body, understanding your colours rather than getting a fashion slave. So now you really need to construct a wardrobe. Your lifestyle will determine where the emphasis lies on the core components of your wardrobe. However, here are some suggestions on what you need to have. You'll have to adjust depending on your life, but don't forget the key to any successful wardrobe is having things that can be mixed and matched with other products. Please note that we aren't breaking up the record by winter and summer. Some of your items will be year round and a few will be season.


Not all shapes lend themselves to wearing dresses. But if you like dresses, you must have one for work, another for drama and a third for day for those who have a whole lot of social occasions.

Think before you buy

If you aren't getting a new base bit, do not get an item if you don't already have three items in your wardrobe with which you can wear it.


Spend the majority of your budget on the bottom bits. You may thank me later for this information. Quality base bits will last and will stay fashionable. Fill in your wardrobe with accessories together with the rest of your wardrobe budget. These items are frequently the trendier or more seasonable things and have a shorter shelf life in your own wardrobe. And for those who do not own a wardrobe budget - buy one. The simplest way to get an out of control cupboard or overflowing shoe bin is too just go shopping willy-nilly with no strategy.

We can't possibly cover all the do's and do not of fashion in 1 article but these seven steps should get you started. It's important to have a plan, create a list of everything you have and adhere to it. It's even more crucial to understand your own body, be realistic and wear what was created for you, not what was created for a super-model. Happy shopping.